The Disclaimer

Here is our obligatory disclaimer.

I am a mum, not a professional.

As are any contributors posts’ unless stated otherwise.

I share things I have learnt on my journey.

I share a mixture of facts, research, ideas, thoughts, opinions and questions to prompt thought and discussion. Regardless of what I believe to be factual it’s your responsibility to test what you read against different sources, read different approaches and ideas and do what ever you feel like you need to do to make an informed decision.

I post this blog as a peer, not a professional or instructor, I am not telling you what you should do, need or have to do. I’m presenting information I’ve collated along my journey, including the things I’ve learnt during 3years on a TED and longer as a person, parent and breastfeeding advocate.

For your own support and reassurance it is best to seek out and obtain the support of a healthcare professional, ideally one who is familiar with you or your child’s condition. Preferably a professional who takes a integrative, functional, biomedical approach to holistic health and healing. Many health conditions result from the interaction of different factors; such as, underlying genetic tendencies, adrenal function, liver function, thyroid function, microbial dysbiosis, intestinal permeability, and other factors like environmental toxin exposure and medication usage. So it can take time, effort and money, to seek out and obtain the support of a professional who is familiar and aware of the effects of these factors and others on overall health and healing. More mainstream doctors can be helpful, but they are often more limited to a certain area of expertise and will often only treat one body system/symptom, rather than the body as a whole.

Only you are responsible for the decisions you make for yourself and your family.

I hope this blog will be a useful resource and the things that we have experienced and gleaned along our journey will help you in some way.

For more information on the TED ethos for informed consent, please see our “I have a dream in 2018” post 🙂